Saturday, March 23, 2013


MONEY FOR NUTTERIN’ on the APC (Ani-maul Planet Channel)

Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the Lion Tamer on the APC
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nutterin’ and it’s all tax free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya, Pit-Dupes sure are dumb
Maybe get a lose your little finger
Maybe gouge the pitties eyes out with your remaining thumb

We gotta install adoption cabins,
Custom kitchens, tee shirt deliveries
We gotta fill these refrigerators
We gotta drive new SUV’s

See the little felon stealin ID’s in the pickup
Yeah buddy he’s from Tia’s lair
That midget felon flyin’ on a airplane
That midget felon he's a millionaire

We gotta install adoption cabins
Custom kitchens, tee shirt deliveries
We gotta fill these refrigerators
We gotta drive new SUVs

I shoulda learned to play the Nutter
I shoulda learned to exploit the dumb
Look at that mama, breakstickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun...
And Otis up there, what's that? Growlin’ noises?!?
Rippin’ off faces like a chimpanzee
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Sendin’ money for nutterin’
Get the con-labor for free

I want my
I want my
I want my APC
I want my APC...

*Disclaimer..This is Made Up, but Based on Real World Dysfunction!

money for nutterin compliments of vintage.

1 comment:

  1. How many if us have been blasted by Kimberly R Kelly for trying to scam money when its her that does it. Kim r Kelly (Ramons) is now using her disabled daughter to guilt people into giving her money. How unethical and embarassing to the SAR community is that! Its no worse than one of those fake panhandlers sitting with their sign feeling entitled to the money someone else earned. Kim needs to get a job. No one else should have to pay for her laziness. And per her friends she lives in a 3000 sq ft beautiful home that mist of us could never afford but she's scamming 'us' for money. Wow! Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black.ReplyDelete
